DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 10659
Published October 6 2009




Launched Today: MR Trends, Technologies and Techniques

The biggest new MrWeb section in nine years opens today with launch articles from five research luminaries. 'MRT' is an online home for custom panel builders, mobile researchers, data miners, neuromarketers and many others at the leading edge of what we broadly define as 'MR'.

MRT Launches TodaySurvey researchers have long been the core of the market research community. But if you're someone who mines business databases, sets up online panels of customers or scans brainwaves to check on people's reactions to advertising, do you call yourself a market researcher? We could debate this for hours, and people at conferences probably will, but we care more that you call yourself a MrWeb regular: this new section is for you.

The T in MRT stands for three things - Trends, Techniques and Technologies - and the sections will cover new business topics as well as new survey and analysis methods and devices. Thus there will be one for research into what's green and clean; in addition to one for the controversial new area of behavioural targeting, however it's done; and one for audience measurement gadgets and systems.

This month we're kicking off five areas, each one featuring an opinion piece by a leading light:Each one also includes recent DRNO news, links, company profiles and a selection of relevant current job vacancies. Please browse, register, and take part in the discussions on the topics close to your heart, or to your hotdesk - and remember we are contactable by phone or email any time.

More areas will follow in the near future - there will be more than a dozen in all, and you are welcome to suggest what we should cover in future (site owners' decision final as usual!). Note that our pundits are not volunteer bloggers but are invited, the main factors being industry experience, reputation and regular appearances for the company and/or individual in DRNO. But if you disagree with what they've said - or indeed if you want to praise their efforts, expand on their arguments or just add points of your own - please use the comment sections below each article.

MRT will grow and develop over the coming months, and the pundits will return to write three or four articles apiece; others will join them so that each section has a new feature article each month, even as other sectors are added.

By the way, you are welcome to choose how you pronounce the name of the new section. If you wish to pronounce it 'em-arr-tee' that's no problem: but a minority of people call us em-arr-web as opposed to MisterWeb, and very few people call our news 'dee-arr-en-oh' as opposed to DoctorNo, so we suspect we know what'll happen here...



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Please email drnpq@mrweb.com with any questions.

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