DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 10995
Published December 18 2009




Peanut Labs to Roll Out Gamer Panel

Sample specialist Peanut Labs has launched a new panel, 'Social Media Gamers', consisting of over 194,000 US players of console, PC, handheld and online games.

Participants are recruited through over 200 unique social media channels including Electronic Arts, Facebook, MySpace & Google Open Social, and are extensively profiled on both demographics and specific attributes like retail preferences, game genres, console ownership and frequency of play.

The company says it has aggressive plans to launch the sample in 18 additional countries during the first quarter of 2010.

The first results from the panel, based on responses from 6,505 gamers between the ages of 16 and 70 between December 9th and 19th, indicate that 73% of all gaming takes place online through personal computers and gaming consoles; an average gamer will play between 5 and 15 hours per week, and that 5% of gamers will play more than 40 hours. 70% of gamers plan on purchasing a major gaming console in the near future, with the Nintendo Wii still leading the field, and over 60% will purchase all games and consoles at a traditional bricks and mortar game stores like GameStop or Wal-Mart.

Web site: www.peanutlabs.com .


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