DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 11882
Published June 23 2010




Hall & Partners Rolls out Engager in US

Global brand and communications research agency Hall & Partners has rolled outs its Engager tool in the US. The service measures how people think and feel about brands, and how they engage with them.

Richard OwenHall & Partners has offices in New York, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Shanghai, Sydney, Paris, Berlin and Singapore.

Launched in the UK in April, its Engager solution aims to identify the link between brand engagement and brand value. It achieves this by conducting research among the general public and B2B audiences, and linking these findings to company profits and stock market expectations as well as past and future purchase intent.

The proprietary model examines and analyses key dimensions that drive engagement with brands: sensing, knowledge, understanding, integrity, connection, commitment, conviction, participation and advocacy.

A recent pilot revealed that eBay, Google and Amazon take the top three slots in a list of the top ten most engaging brands in the US.

'We ran a regression model of the Engager scores of brands in the pilot and looked at them against the top 2000 Forbes database for 2009,' explains Richard Owen, Global Head of Innovation. 'The scatter plot we created from this data shows what the profit margin of those brands was in that database and what we would have predicted it to be based on the Engager model. This correlates around 0.67 so we are clear that actually yes, if you drive engagement, you drive profitability.'

Web site: www.hall-and-partners.com .


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