DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 5124
Published February 2 2006




Conference Takes New Look at TV Ads

Fast-forwarding adverts can increase their impact on the brain, according to new research for Sky Media, which suggests that DVRs do not spell the end for TV ads. The research will be presented at the MRS Research 2006 Conference, to be held in London in March.

Dr Alastair Goode of Duckfoot R&D will reveal the results of a project conducted for Sky, which suggests that fleeting exposure to an ad can actually increase a viewer's positive emotional response to both the brand and the ad.

Goode will headline one of the conference's 'Expert Briefing' sessions on New Media on 23 March. He will be joined by Julian Dobinson from Sky Media, and followed by Big Picture's Simon Andrews, who will explain the latest jargon in 'Knowing your blogs from your pods'.

According to Kevin McLean, Conference Programme Chair, 'Speakers like Dr Goode make the annual MRS Conference what it is - a cutting-edge look at the major issues affecting the future of business and communications. Anyone involved in advertising and television should definitely attend this session - and for the broader research industry, it highlights the power that research has in driving major business decisions for leading global brands.'

Keynote speakers at the conference include PR guru Lord Bell, Richard Reed, co-founder of Innocent Drinks, and Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College London.

More details of the event, taking place between 22nd and 24th March at the Barbican, are online at www.mrs.org.uk


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