DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 6840
Published May 29 2007




Mobile Broadband Research Launch

The GSMA, a trade association for mobile operators, has launched a major programme of research partnered by Microsoft, to determine consumer use trends and market potential for notebook PCs with embedded mobile broadband.

The technology allows access to the Internet anywhere where there is mobile coverage. GSMA and Microsoft will be examining the needs of international business travelers, field information workers and consumers to assess the use of multimedia services while on the move.

The project kicks off with a global study including field trials, conducted by US-based Pyramid Research, to quantify PC buyer interest in mobile broadband. Thirteen GSMA members will be participating in the research which is sponsored by Telefonica/O2.

Rob Conway, CEO of the GSMA commented on the collaboration: 'Following the success of our initial program to infuse the notebook market with mobile connectivity, we are delighted to be working with Microsoft to initially understand the scale of the opportunity for mobile broadband enabled PCs in the mass market. Understanding the market size and customers' requirements is the first step towards developing devices to meet those requirements.'

GSMA represents more than 700 GSM mobile phone operators across 218 countries of the world, to ensure mobile phones and wireless services work globally and are easily accessible. Web sites are at www.gsmworld.com , www.microsoft.com and www.pyr.com .


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