DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 7354
Published September 24 2007




New TV Ad Formats Proving Headache for Nielsen

Nielsen Media Research has informed its TV network and syndication clients that its Monitor-Plus tracking system is struggling to identify some new forms of 'live' TV advertising; and asked them to work with it to solve the problem.

Nielsen said in Friday's client communication that the industry's increasing interest in commercial minute and average commercial minute ratings, had led to many networks and syndicators incorporating innovative and creative techniques in their efforts to retain audiences during commercial breaks. 'As programmers begin to change how commercials look and behave, it is more important than ever that we have an open dialogue with our clients about the commercials being sold within their programming,' the statement said.

Some of the new formats do not provide the 'continuous pattern recognition' on which Monitor-Plus relies to track TV advertising: 'Because they don't look like traditional ads, some of the new approaches and formats being employed can't yet be identified by Monitor-Plus' automated systems alone'.

The company has therefore asked its clients to begin supplying detailed commercial log data for the new types of advertising spots. 'To meet Monitor-Plus' need to accurately identify and report all national commercials and appropriately differentiate them from public service announcements and promotional announcements, we are asking all clients to provide us with advance information regarding any non-traditional ads they plan to carry.'

Monitor-Plus, a Nielsen Media Research service, provides advertising intelligence for 18 types of media, including television tracking for all 210 US markets. Web sites: www.nielsenmedia.com and www.nielsenmonitorplus.com.


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