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Record First Quarter Results for Opinion Research Corporation

Opinion Research Corporation has reported record revenues (up 124%) and net income (up 42%) for the first quarter of 2000.

For the quarter, revenues reached US$38.9 million, an increase of 124% compared to first quarter 1999 revenues of US$17.3 million. Net income for the quarter increased to US$784,000, the most profitable quarter in the Company's history and an increase of 42% compared to first quarter 1999 net income of US$552,000.

John F. Short, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Opinion Research Corporation, commenting on the record first quarter, said, "I am very pleased to report we have started the new year, and the new millennium, with the best quarter in the Company's history with record revenues, cash flow and earnings. These outstanding results are the product of strong performance across our portfolio of services and throughout our geographic reach. The marketing of our global capabilities, the integration of ORC Macro and the development of new products and services are all contributing to our performance and even brighter prospects for the future."

In the first quarter, revenues attributable to Internet-related projects totalled US$2.3 million, up 40% over the first quarter last year. Mr. Short continued, "During the first quarter, we signed our largest Internet-related contract and experienced a rapid acceleration in the pace of Internet-related proposal activity. This should lead to Internet-related revenues for the balance of the year that significantly exceed those of last year."