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New Online Library for Market Research Industry

RFL Communications, Inc., publisher of newsletters for the market research industry, has launched a new web based Products and Services Library for the sector.

According to RFL' s founder and publisher Bob Lederer, the library will provide a centralised repository of the newest, most innovative tools, products, practices and services currently available to market researchers, both domestically and internationally.

"Market research departments and executives receive endless calls, faxes, postal and email communications from MR providers who believe their new service or product will improve and perhaps revolutionise a research director's functionality and capabilities. Unfortunately, few market research directors, have the time to investigate these offerings," says Lederer.

The Library aims to give market research providers a forum for displaying their products, and help them stay abreast of changes and innovations.

The contents can be viewed free of charge, and suppliers will be charged a nominal fee for listing their products and services. Listings will include details about function, benefits, competitive advantages, geographic availability and suitable research area for the new product or service.

For further information, visit