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New Web Specialist Health Research Partnership

Salu Inc., the only vertical B2B e-health company aimed at specialist physicians, is partnering with Ziment, a strategic marketing research consultancy, to use the latter's new service, WebSurveyMD.com.

WebSurveyMD.com is an online panel of physicians through which primary research to assess physician awareness, attitudes and behaviour can be conducted. As a result of the recent launch of the service on Salu.net, physician members can now easily and conveniently participate in online surveys that influence healthcare policies, products and services.

According to Jim Steeb, President and CEO of Salu, "Ziment represents another great addition to the Salu hubs. This partnership is further demonstration of our ability to easily integrate into the hubs new services that meet the business needs of specialist physicians and their practices. Through Ziment, our physician members now have a convenient, seamless method of participating in well-respected market surveys and an additional source of revenue."

The agreement will allow Salu's physicians to easily and conveniently participate in online surveys that influence key decision- and policy-making within their areas of specialisation. In addition, Salu members that choose to participate in the surveys will be paid a cash sum for their time.

"Salu has done a great job bringing specialist physicians online," added Howard Ziment, Managing Director of Ziment. "Our partnership will allow us to efficiently secure participation from communities of specialists that had been previously more difficult to reach. With this partnership, Ziment will now be able to offer more comprehensive and accurate research than ever before."