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Coup for TNS Healthcare transact Service

Further to the story above, the transact account level sales data service range from Taylor Nelson Sofres Healthcare is now being enhanced by the addition of Boots data.

According to Dorothy Knightley, MD UK, TNS Healthcare, "We are the first company to provide Boots account level data. The availability of Boots data enables us to add important elements to the transact portfolio of services. Client companies are now able to track their own product sales distribution into each of the Boots shops either separately, or as part of the BAPW (British Association of Pharmacy Wholesalers) dataset, which identifies sales into individually named hospital, pharmacy and dispensing doctor account."

transact was launched as the result of an agreement between TNS Healthcare and the BAPW to market its members’ account level sales data. The services provide weekly data, to named accounts, as low as individual packs, on products delivered by the BAPW wholesalers. Companies know precisely when, from where, and to which customer, each sales transaction is made.