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Almost 50% of Children Have No Parental Rules for TV Use

A recently released study of children's media and home technology use from Statistical Research Inc shows that 46% of children in the US aged between 8 and 17 have no adult rules governing their television time, and 40% of kids who go online do so without parental restrictions.

The major findings of the study include:
  • Among the 54% of children who do have restrictions on their TV use, the rules most often mentioned were "no adult content" (24%) and "number of hours limited" (24%). "No violence" (16%) ranked 5th in mentions, preceded by "no TV after a certain hour" (20%) and "can watch certain channels only" (17%)

  • When it comes to the Internet, "number of hours limited" was the rule most often reported (38%), followed by "can visit certain sites only" (33%), "can't visit certain sites" (24%), and "no adult content" (17%). "No violence" ranked 6th at 5%.

The findings are from How Children Use™ Media Technology, a new report prepared by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), as part of its Home Technology Monitor service. SRI interviewed more than 240 children aged between 8 and 17 about their use of television, the Internet, radio, and other media.