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Top Research Companies in Europe

The ranking of the leading ten research companies in Europe in 1999 has been published by ESOMAR, showing ACNielsen at number one with research revenues of Euro 488 million.

The top four companies in Europe are the same as the top four companies worldwide, i.e. ACNielsen, IMS Health, TN Sofres and Kantar. The only difference is that TN Sofres is ahead of Kantar in the European stakes but behind on the worldwide rankings.

IMS Health Inc., GfK Group and Information Resources (+23.9%, +20.2% and 19.1% respectively) enjoyed the highest rates of growth in 1999 compared to 1998, closely followed by Sample Institut (+18.5%). Although United Information Group Ltd. grew by 5.2% worldwide, in Europe its revenue actually declined by 3.9% between 1998 and 1999.

As this is a preliminary report, changes in the information might be included with the full details of the results of the 2000 ESOMAR Study of the Worldwide Market for Market Research which will be published later in the year.