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New Tracking Tool from IMS

IMS HEALTH has launched MIDAS Dispensed RX, a comprehensive strategic pharmaceutical marketing tool that tracks both the volume and value of prescription drugs dispensed in the pharmacies of leading pharmaceutical markets worldwide.

The service measures the movement of prescription drugs out of pharmacies against a formal prescription, as well as the quantity of drugs actually dispensed and not just prescribed -- a critical measure in markets where generic drug substitution is permitted. In addition, the service analyses dispensing volumes by prescriber type, enabling pharmaceutical manufacturers to determine which prescribers are likely to be early adopters of new products so they can deploy their targeting and promotional efforts with greater precision and cost-effectiveness. MIDAS Dispensed RX tracks the pharmaceutical markets of Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.

According to Clare McGettigan, marketing director, IMS Health, “With pharmaceutical companies now launching products simultaneously in multiple countries, the insights available through this new service become increasingly meaningful and valuable. MIDAS Dispensed RX is all about tracking prescription and prescriber volumes so that pharmaceutical manufacturers can adapt instantly to the shifting competitive landscape.”