KD Consulting MR Vacancies

Newman to Leave BMRA

Following a year managing the establishment and development of the British Market Research Association (BMRA), Warren Newman is leaving his position as Director General after the new Council takes up its responsibilities in January 2001.

He will offer continuing consultancy on trade association development to the BMRA, including projects relating to high- level government contacts. Newman was appointed by the BMRA on an interim management contract, with a brief to review the Association’s financial and administrative systems and to guide it towards a new operational model. In March 2000 he brought in Kingston Smith Association Management to provide a professional secretariat service for the BMRA. Following the restructuring, a planned review of the role of a Director General has concluded that the BMRA needs a Secretary General to supervise its administration, rather than a Director. The latter will be appointed in the 2001 but Newman, with a background in high level public relations for major organisations, does not wish to undertake a more administrative role. The new Council will appoint members to fulfil the government and external relations elements of the job. According to John Kelly, Association Chairman, "Warren has brought great expertise in association management and member communications to BMRA and has pointed us towards a more effective model of managing our affairs. We are continuing to strengthen administration systems. I am very grateful for the contribution he has made to BMRA."