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A Rosy 2001 for ORC in the USA

A statement just released on ORC's December 2000 perfomance indicates that it undertook a record level of business during the month. The US group happily worked on bookings in the region of US$18 million.

This trade goes hand in hand with the company’s impressive, and all-time highest, level of end-of-year work surplus. In this sense, the group reportedly carried over some US$25 million to start their new year on a strong footing. Analysis shows that the boom in bookings was greatly aided by a substantial contract with an American healthcare provider.

Commenting on the company’s good performance, John F. Short, Chairman and CEO of ORC, noted that "The combination of renewed discipline and innovative research methodologies, including extensive integration of our Internet capabilities, has been rewarded with the best period of new bookings in our US Group history." He added his view of the company’s short-term future. "Now, our goal is to use the momentum created by the December bookings as a springboard for continued strong performance and an enriched prospect pipe line in 2001." Should contracts and revenues continue, Mr Short is confident about the coming year, concluding that, "…this should make 2001 the third consecutive year in which the Company achieves outstanding performance in both revenue and profit growth."