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Online Direct Marketers Thrive

New insights into the web activity of American direct marketing companies have been released. The study from the DMA concludes that, because many of these operations have carefully planned their web strategies, they are more likely than the pure-play dot.coms to be successful. Findings indicate that about one-third (36%) of all those online are profitable at present, and this proportion is expected to rise significantly over the coming two years.

The research was commissioned by the Direct Marketing Association through ActivMedia Research and the Millard Group. The data has been released in the association’s second annual "The Direct Marketing Industry Online: Perspectives on 2001".

Two other major findings are that:

  • E-commerce revenues among direct marketers with offline brick-and-mortar operations are anticipated to grow by 136% by the year end.
  • Most other types of companies across all industries are expected to expand at a rate of 115% over the same time period.

The survey was generated from an online survey sample of over 500 direct marketing businesses in the US during 2000. The report itself provides analysis of online companies’ type of end-customer; historical trends in e-commerce, profiles of websites, and the level of investment required for direct marketers to build and maintain a successful space.