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Web Access Through TV Becoming Reality for UK Teenagers

In the wake of the AOL – Time Warner merger, the first signs are emerging that kids and teens are moving from PCs to digital TV to access the Internet, according to a new survey from NOP Family.

The kids.net survey found that among the nearly 5 million 7 to16 year olds now using the Internet almost one in ten (9%) does so through digital TV. Over a fifth (22%) of 14 to 16 year old boys accessing the Internet do so by using digital TV. 12% of all 7 to 16 year old Internet users access the Web using a laptop, while 3% do so through a WAP phone.

In a further sign of so-called "convergence" of technology, e-mails, too, are starting to be sent via digital TV. 5% of 7 to 16 year old e-mail users now send their e-mails through digital television, and while laptops also attract a similar number, only 2% currently use a WAP phone to send their e-mails.

Reflecting the ever-increasing rate of growth in the use of technology, the survey found that two-fifths (40%) of 7 to 16 year old Internet users have digital TV at home, three-quarters of which are Sky Digital installations. At 22%, a significant minority of young Internet users now lives in a home with two or more phone lines.

According to Barbie Clarke, director of NOP Family, "Young people love the idea of using a huge TV screen for easier access to the Internet and to make sending e-mails easier. Needless to say, the concept of being able to use the TV screen for shopping has enormous appeal to them."

NOP interviewed a nationally representative sample of 990 7 to 16-year-olds who ever use the Internet between 7 October and 4 November 2000. Interviews were carried out with both children and their parents. The research also included twelve focus groups and a series of paired depth interviews. In addition to the face-to-face interviews, children were asked to keep a diary of their Internet use.