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New Age of Robots

Science fiction is officially taking another step closer to our everyday lives. Mobile robotics are poised for imminent domestic and commercial proliferation, according to new research from US ActivMedia Research. They predict more than 1600% volume growth and 2500% value growth in the market in the US over the next five years.

This forthcoming explosion in robot sales should lift total US sales from some US$665 million in 2000, to more than US$17 billion by 2005. The upswing will also bring incredible new technologies into play; ones that represent decades of mobile robot work into artificial intelligence, sensing, navigation, communications and response

Commenting on the dawning of this new robot era, ActivMedia's President Jeanne Dietsch said, "Advances in foundation technologies will determine the rate of growth of robots. Mobile robots will provide an enormous extension of peoples' innate capabilities. As humans and machines become ever more closely intertwined, microscopically and macroscopically, robotics will be as commonplace as computer chips are now."

The research report details how, over the past 30 years, approximately 1.1 million industrial robots have already been sold in the US. However, virtually all of these (99%) were fixed robotic tools, such as industrial arms. In contrast, the most dramatic changes ahead will be in the rise of intelligent mobile robotics. While fixed robots have become increasingly flexible and productive, it is this new generation of intelligent and free-standing service robots that are set to transform business and industry across all sectors.

ActivMedia has identified several industries that are particularly set to benefit from the technological advances:

  • Space, which is too hazardous and expensive to provide staffed expeditions for.
  • Industrial Service, requiring inspection, security, maintenance and safety.
  • Medical and Healthcare, in which distribution of expensive specialised expertise to remote sites is needed, as well as devices for the handicapped.
  • Transportation Markets, requiring high levels of safety.
  • Agricultural Markets, in which environmental concerns and cost-effectiveness are key issues.
  • Construction/Mining, in which safety, maintenance and inspection are vital.
  • Consumer household, providing novelty, convenience and lifestyle benefits.
More detail is available in ActivMedia Research's report "Mobile Robotics: The Next Revolution", the first in a series of business reports on new technologies and trends.