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Sale of PC Data’s POS Tracking Service

NPD INTELECT Market Tracking, the joint NPD Group and GfK company, has announced the acquisition of the point-of-sale tracking division of PC Data.

The acquisition represents the latest addition to NPD's existing family of services and marketing information for the technology industry should greatly strengthen NPD INTELECT’s presence within the software industry. It also furthers the synergy of service offerings between NPD INTELECT in the U.S. and its partner, GfK, in Europe.

Prior to the PC Data purchase, NPD monitored video gaming and interactive entertainment software sales only. It is therefore hoped that this transaction will complement the company’s range. It might well also help establish the company as an industry source for business and consumer software tracking data.

PC Data's core assets will be assimilated into the company, with the aim of providing accurate and actionable information on industry sales, pricing and inventory levels. Additionally, resources will be put in place to continue servicing former PC Data clients.

"By expanding the scope of our reach through this acquisition, NPD INTELECT will provide the industry with a truly superior resource for fact-based decision making," said NPD INTELECT President Terry Rawlings. "Our focus on quality and proven methodology are the reasons that all of the key players within the industry -- major manufacturers, channel players and Wall Street analysts-- rely on our insight today."

"Sale of our point-of-sale division to NPD INTELECT ensures the continuation of services for our existing clients," added Nancy Goldberg, CEO of PC Data. "NPD INTELECT has both the expertise and the resources to maintain the flow of information upon which our subscribers rely. We are committed to working together with NPD INTELECT to ensure a smooth transition in services over the next several months and the ultimate development of new and improved resources to meet the industry's needs moving forward."