SKOPOS - Internet research / panels

Market Research Society Launches New Database

The Market Research Society (MRS) has announced the launch of a new CRM database system for its headquarters. This is intended to give its 8,000 plus members a higher standard of membership and marketing services.

The society is using new software in the form of TIMSS (TMA Integrated Member Services Solution) to bring the improved range of benefits into force. The benefits themselves have been identified as a greater information flow between departments, increased efficiency in handling membership enquiries, and the more refined targeting of course, events and product sales towards members.

The TIMSS package should also play a key role in integrating the organisation of the Annual Conference in the future. It is envisaged that the system will help in allocating rooms to speakers, booking stands, and allowing detailed information of the 1,500 delegates to be processed. This feature alone should deliver important marketing information to the Society.

Looking to the future, the MRS is believed to have plans to use TIMSS to allow members to gain direct access to their records via the Internet. They will be able to update their own details, book places on courses, order MRS material, and interact instantly with enquiries.