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Retirement Planning Monitor

New research from Marketing Sciences Ltd shows an acceptance by UK consumers of the need to make their own plans for retirement, rising from the expectation that state pensions will be insufficient.

The survey carried out in late March (just before the launch of stakeholder pensions) raises hopes for the Government that stakeholder pensions do address many consumers’ concerns about pensions. However many consumer worries still exist, most commonly about being stock market linked.

However, of the 1,000 adults interviewed only 34% were aware of the launch of stakeholder pensions. Also, when prompted, only 57% could recall seeing the "Two Dogs" Campaign (which promotes the need for people to find out about their retirement options). Understanding was even lower, with only a third realising it was from the Government.

Despite the Government’s efforts, "lack of cash" remains the key barrier to making retirement provision. In the face of this, the majority of adults feel the Government and employers should do more and that paying into a pension should be mandatory. That said, however, only a fifth are aware of employers’ responsibility over stakeholder pensions, despite this being the preferred source.

Readers interested in the rest of the survey should contact Nigel Hufton on (01962) 842211.

For the survey, 1,000 adults were interviewed face-to-face in late March 2001. All were aged between 22 and 64 years and not yet retired. This was a nationally representative sample of the GB population.