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Single Association for Brazilian MR
February 18 2004


Brazil's two representative bodies for market research agencies have merged to form one. The new organisation, to be known as ABEP, was announced this week and initial membership is around 200 agencies.

ABEP, The Brazilian Association of Market Research Agencies, is the result of negotiations begun in 2002 by the then presidents of ANEP and ABIPEME, Eduardo Schubert and Silvio Pires de Paula. Schubert becomes ABEP president and de Paula vice-president, with João Francisco Meira also vice president.

ABEP will concern itself with developing and adding value to market research activity in Brazil, including the defence of industry interests, concern with ethical issues, quality standards and technical improvement of courses and seminars. One of its first tasks is to promote the Brazilian Research Congress: Market, Opinion and Media, taking place in Sao Paulo on March 22-24.

Other representatives on the new organisation's Council are: Carlos Bernardes (Door to Door Pesquisa de Mercado e Opinião)
  • Cloves Rodrigues Junior (Inquire Pesquisa de Mercado)
  • Fauze Najib Mattar (Mattar & Associados Serv. De Marketing S/C Ltda.)
  • Fernando Leite Ribeiro (Razões e Motivos Pesquisa de Mercado)
  • Olenka Franco (Sinal Pesquisas de Psicologia de Consumo Ltda.)
  • Paulo R. Campana Carramenha (Research International Brasil)
  • Pergentino Mendes de Almeida (LPM - Levantamento de Pesquisas de Marketing Ltda.
  • Ricardo Guedes Ferreira Pinto (Sensus Data World Pesquisa e Consultoria)
  • Rodrigo Toni (Grupo Ipsos)
  • Rogério Cajado (IBOPE)
  • Waldyr Pilli (LARC Pesquisa de Marketing e Repres. Ltda.)
  • Zilda Knoploch (Enfoque Pesquisa e Consultoria).

A separate Fiscal Council consists of:
  • Alan Grabovsky (ABACO)
  • Flavio da Silva Castro (Sinergia Pesquisa e Ass. Mercadológica)
  • Manoel Lopes (Synovate)
  • Fernando Figueiredo (Perfil Pesquisas Técnicas)
  • Mario Rodrigues Filho (Grupom Consultoria Empresarial)
  • Raquel Tomedi Caldeira - (Diferencial Pesquisa de Mercado)

The Brazilian MR market was valued at around US$ 212 million in 2002.

Further information about the Congress is available at www.congressoanep.com.br . ABEP's Web site is at www.abep.org

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