DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 10333
Published July 27 2009




Bail Refused, Date Set in Jonkheid Murder Trial

In South Africa, Stellenbosch magistrate Anita Potgieter has explained her reasons for denying bail to the two brothers accused of murdering media researcher Klaas Jonkheid. She said the brothers had intended to mislead the court, and would be likely to attempt to intimidate State witnesses.

Dr Klaas JonkheidThe next court appearance in the case will be on September 9.

The brothers, Elton and Wayne Smith from Stratford Green, on the Eerste River in Cape Province, are aged 22 and 23 respectively and face charges of murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances.

During judgment in their bail application, Potgieter said the spare wheel and car radio of Jonkheid's Toyota Yaris hire car had been found when police had searched their home, and had not as the accused claimed been pointed out to police.

Stressing the State's strong prima facie case, Potgieter said there were no exceptional circumstances to warrant bail. Regarding possible intimidation, she said witnesses due to be called included another brother, the pair's father and Elton Smith's girlfriend - a bail condition of no contact with witnesses would prove futile as the accused and these witnesses all live together. She also cited the accused's lack of dependants, fixed assets and jobs, and the lengthy sentence they face if found guilty, as contributory factors.

The two have told magistrates they were paid by a local pimp to burn Jonkheid's hire car, but deny responsibility for his death in the last week of May.


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