DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 11922
Published June 30 2010




Profiles Opens Employee Survey Division

In the US, employee assessment firm Profiles International has launched a new division to gather insight and opinions from staff, and gain a picture of what businesses need to do to solve their 'people problems'.

Dario PrioloProfiles International is a career and educational testing service offering 360 degree feedback, employee performance appraisal and staff evaluation, to improve customer service and tackle employment issues.

Its new 'Profiles Research Institute' develops surveys that focus on topics such as building great teams; cultivating effective leaders; developing employees, reducing conflict; absenteeism; and selecting and organizing staff.

'Participating in the online surveys provides employees with a platform through which to make their voice heard,' explains Dario Priolo, MD of the Profiles International Research Institute. 'Research collected will be directly used to expand our assessments, to hear what businesses really need and how they would like to see assessments enhance their processes.'

Web site: www.profilesresearch.com .


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