DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 12840
Published December 15 2010




SAY Media and KN Dimestore Launch Engagement Measure

In New York, social engagement company SAY Media and Knowledge Networks' ad effectiveness subsidiary KN Dimestore have announced a new research approach designed to measure the impact of user engagement on brand metrics.

Partners promise a new approach to engagement measuresThe firms say their methodology will provide advertisers with more relevant and actionable data and enable optimization of digital advertising campaigns to increase an audience's brand response. By integrating KN Dimestore's technology with SAY Media's ad platform, SAY Media claim they are the first and only company able to report to advertisers the brand impact of their campaigns through the efficient recruitment of engagers. The company is also able to compare lift in such measures as recall, favorability and intent to purchase among the engaged audience in comparison to a control group. Advertisers can also get the key findings about audience reaction faster.

'The digital media industry has so far been mostly focused on exposed audiences and has not paid enough attention to measuring the value of engagers for brand focused campaigns,' said Benjamin Theriault, VP Sales at KN Dimestore, 'We are pleased to be able to innovate with SAY Media to show the value of engaged viewing to advertisers. As digital media continues its rapid evolution, the tools to understand its effects must evolve as well.'

Matt Rosenberg, VP Solutions of SAY Media says; 'We have always provided deep behavioral data on engagement with our ad units, but now we can do what no other company can - report on the brand value of engagement.'

The partners are online at www.knowledgenetworks.com/dimestore and www.saymedia.com .


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