DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 14137
Published August 24 2011




Itracks Adds Consultancy Wing

Canada-based online data collection specialist itracks has set up a digital insights consultancy headed by Jim Longo and offering new full-service options, including an ad and logo design feedback tool and in-depth social media capabilities.

Jim LongoThe expanded portfolio includes 'Reality Check' - an online concept testing tool through which consumers can not only complete a short survey, but also make comments and revisions to the subject matter before responding.

Additionally, as an extension to its Social Media Monitoring application launched last year, the firm's new social media research solution interprets consumers' online preferences for brands, categories, issues and trends.

VP of Research and Marketing Longo comments: 'With the launch of our digital insights consultancy, we can ensure that our customers are maximizing the impact of their advertising by delivering meaningful consumer feedback. We have added new and exciting concepts to allow customers to move confidently forward into a world increasingly dominated by social media-led opinion and visual reaction.'

Web site: www.itracks.com .


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