DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 18568
Published January 30 2014




Annik Adds Supplier Partner Bidding Module

India-based offshore MR technology and operations company Annik has added a 'Partner' module to its online research project management platform, in order to simplify the bidding and commissioning process for its network of data collection supplier companies.

Rahul SahgalAnnik offers a range of data collection and management, business intelligence and analytics services to MR agencies around the world. Through its new Partner module, registered suppliers - including panel companies, CATI shops, and face-to-face fieldwork agencies - will automatically receive invitations to bid for projects tailored to their specific capabilities, and then be able to submit bids and track those projects in real-time across the platform.

CEO Rahul Sahgal (pictured) says the global sample brokerage model will lower the costs of conducting and project-managing multi-country, multi-mode studies. 'This is another step in providing clients with global high-quality, reliable sample and with this new module, we look to provide greater flexibility and transparency to our clients and partners,' Sahgal adds.

The firm, which has offices Gurgaon and Hyderabad, India; Dalian and Hong Kong, China, and in the US, Japan, Poland, and the UAE, is online at: www.anniksystems.com .


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