DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 20673
Published April 1 2015




Researcher's Ukulele Independence Party Vetoed

Kevin Tyrrell, Operations Director at UK agency 20/20 Research, has had his request to set up a new political party called the Ukulele Independence Party thrown out by the Electoral Commission, which ruled that the name was too similar to that of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).

...and still have change on a farthing...Tyrrell's new party promised free ukuleles for hospital patients, and a new bank holiday to celebrate the birth of ukulele player George Formby (pictured). A keen member of the Budleigh Salterton Ukulele Strumming Club, Tyrrell suggested that every politician needs an angle, and his was a ukulele.

'It's such an inoffensive and non-confrontational instrument', Tyrrell stated. 'People's first reaction when they hear it is to smile, so it seemed quite a nice weapon to 'go to war' with. Everyone's always sniping from the sidelines about politicians and how rubbish they are, and the only way to do anything about it is to get involved yourself. But rather than standing as something totally serious, I wanted to put a bit more fun into the process.'

Tyrell, who lost a £150 non-refundable deposit for his application, said that members of his ukulele club were disappointed with the Electoral Commission's decision. 'I think it's a bit insulting to the voters of East Devon to think they can't distinguish between UKIP and a ukulele', he added.

[Please note that despite the date this is apparently a true story and not an April fool - Ed.]


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