DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 30968
Published February 5 2021




Patient Feedback Tool PatientMetRx Launched

Glasgow, Scotland-based pharma sector data tech company Talking Medicines has launched an AI -driven service called PatientMetRx, providing drug companies with a way to measure patients' experiences of taking medicines.

Patient Feedback Tool PatientMetRx LaunchedPowered by the firm's proprietary AI machine EVA, PatientMetRx captures the voice of the patient from millions of conversations taking place over multiple sources - including social media, forums and blogs - mapped to a curated database of 130,000 regulated global medicines. The new solution integrates what patients are saying online, and what they are feeling, into fully pharma compliant insights.

Delivered on a digital dashboard, the tool also provides pharma marketers with a 'Patient Confidence Score' to benchmark each medicine, offering a systematic way of understanding trending patient confidence in their drug brands. According to Talking Medicines, tracking this score enables pharma firms to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, reduce budgets, and improve
insights on patient experience at scale. Subscription to PatientMtrx provides access to data on a chosen medicine brand and a competitor brand, highlighting trends within the dynamic Patient Confidence Score as well as diagnostics on what the score means.

According to Talking Medicines CEO Jo Halliday, 'The systematic data driven tools that other industries use to measure customer experience haven't been available to pharma at scale and the industry has relied on indirect feedback from clinicians, patient advocacy or ad hoc focus groups'. She adds: 'With PatientMetRx we're able to do something that has never been done before - make sense of the patient voice once a drug has been launched to generate pharma grade intelligence'.

Talking Medicines, which has raised £2.5m in funding to date, including £1.1m last November, is online at www.talkingmedicines.com .


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