DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 34362
Published December 20 2022




Congress Seeks Clarity on Ask US Panel Project

Following a request from professional body the Insights Association, a Bill introduced in the US Congress would require the Census Bureau to provide much greater detail on its controversial Ask US Panel project.

Congress Steps In...In August, the Senate Appropriations Committee voiced concerns that the US Census Bureau's plans to create a probability-based nationwide representative survey panel for tracking public opinion - called the Ask US Panel - lack transparency. The proposed project would involve designing, building and maintaining a new probability sample of US adults who are not members of an existing survey panel. Prior to this, the Insights Association had called the plan 'duplicative' and wasteful, because numerous organizations already provide such panels.

Earlier today, an appropriations bill was introduced, including language demanding transparency around the project. The Census Bureau has been directed to provide a report to the Committees, no later than 90 days following the passing of this act, on the Ask US Panel Survey's methodology, data collection processes, implementation, incurred and projected costs, procurement strategy, and plans to address any recommendations made by the Inspector General.

According to the Insights Association, the House and Senate will likely pass the omnibus bill and send it to the President for signature into law by December 23rd, starting the clock ticking on the Bureau's required transparency. Howard Fienberg, the IA's Senior VP Advocacy, commented: 'The Census Bureau, with this project, has been trying to compete with the private sector - funding an additional insights firm to build an online panel that will be used to compete against the rest of the insights industry using intellectual property funded directly by federal taxpayers. This clearly violates a common-sense 'Yellow Pages test': why would you pay a premium for government to provide a service that could already be easily and affordably purchased in the open market?'

Web site: www.insightsassociation.org .


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