DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 35332
Published July 13 2023




Signoi Launches 'Mr Toad' Complex Data Reporting Tool

In the UK, quantitative semiotic analysis software solutions provider Signoi has launched a large language model-based (LLM) solution called 'Mr Toad', which uses advanced AI to create 'succinct, meaningful reports' from vast amounts of text and imagery data.

Signoi Launches 'Mr Toad' Complex Data Reporting ToolFounded in 2018 by a team which includes Truth Consulting founder Andy Dexter and long-time software and data science industry exec Andrew Jeavons, Signoi's platform helps to 'decode' unstructured data and understand both its implicit and explicit meaning. Earlier this year, the firm expanded its analytics toolkit to include automated video analysis, with a specific focus on TikTok.

Named after the character in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, Mr Toad is powered by large language model AI, distilling 'intricate narratives' into concise, actionable reports around shared themes, which Dexter suggests is a 'boon' for the market research, insight and strategy marketplace. This allows Mr Toad not only to deliver an in-depth analysis, with priorities and advice for action, but also to generate image prompts for creating mood boards, to illustrate the themes, emotions and human needs underpinning the data.

Jeavons says Signoi is proud to be bringing large language models to clients in a 'uniquely user friendly and engaging way'. Dexter adds: 'Mr Toad, just like its namesake, excels at a kind of amphibious cunning - swimming through deep pools of data to extract meaningful, actionable insights. In essence, it's an analytical and inspirational shortcut for our clients, providing them with an even richer understanding of data'.

Web site: www.signoi.com .


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