DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 5383
Published April 7 2006




Loyalty and Complaint in the UK

Power price rises have forced more Britons into reconsidering their supplier, according to the second annual Service in Britain survey, conducted by Research Now and Andrew Smith Research. Postal services are 'most improved' while train and bus companies and local councils are the least satisfactory.

The survey found that the majority of households have switched supplier since energy markets deregulated, but that steep price increases have led to 32% now seriously considering a switch or further switch of power supplier. Those aged 25-45 are by far the most likely to act on this.

The survey asks about complaints made over the year, and again found a high level with 8 in 10 adults having made at least one complaint. However, there was a slight reduction versus 2004-5.

One third of respondents said they had complained on at least 10 occasions, despite the fact that Britons only claim to actually complain on less than a third of occasion when they feel like doing so.

Those aged 65 plus are the least likely to complain, suggesting 'a mix of resignation, lack of information and vulnerability to bad service providers as we grow older' according to ASR.

Of 20 industry sectors covered on the survey, the highest proportion of people complain to power and other utilities, supermarkets, telecoms and mobile providers and TV/Internet service suppliers. But while supermarkets are able to resolve issues and have strong scores for satisfaction and loyalty, the power companies have weaker relationships.

Respondents are asked about their loyalty to a specified main service provider in each of 5 industries. Supermarkets again enjoy the highest levels of genuine loyalty, while banks, mobile airtime and broadband providers rely more on the perceived hassle of switching. People are least satisfied with the value they get from train and bus companies and their local council, with about 1 in 4 giving a very poor value satisfaction rating in each case.

The questionnaire was developed in association with the National Consumer Council, and respondents were members of the Research Now online panel of consumers. 1051 adults in Britain aged 18+ responded online from 2-7 March 2006. Full results include detailed company ratings for supermarkets, banks, mobile operators, broadband service providers and power suppliers.

Independent consultancy ASR is on the web at www.andrewsmithresearch.co.uk and Research Now at www.researchnow.co.uk


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