DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 6272
Published January 2 2007




Worldwide Resolution – New Year Goals Around the Globe

Most of the world has made New Year resolutions for 2007, according to ACNielsen. An online survey of more than 22,000 consumers in 46 countries found 56% of respondents resolved to do or change something, with exercising more and improving work–life balance topping the list.

Globally, exercising more was cited by 62% of those making any resolution, and improving work–life balance by 51%. These two resolutions top the list in every region of the world, says Nielsen.

65% of Asian consumers say they will be making a resolution – the highest for any continent – but only 39% say they expect to stick to it. Europe's top resolution makers are the Italians with 78% pledging.

In North America, 60% of those making any resolution plan to exercise more, while one in three in the US plan to get a better work and life balance, as well as go on a diet. Other nationalities committing to diets in large numbers are Malaysians (52% will start a diet in the New Year), British and Italians (each 40%).

Among other much-mentioned goals, one in five smokers (19%) say they will try and cut down or quit, and one in five say they will try to 'avoid disastrous relationships' in 2007. The latter rises to a staggering 50% in Vietnam, and is popular (around one in four) among Chinese, Russians, Germans and Austrians. However despite the possible link between the two, only 8% of consumers globally are planning to cut down or quit consuming alcohol.

Nineteen percent of global consumers say they also plan to change jobs in 2007, with a high proportion (around one in four) of those in Hong Kong, South Korea and Germany.

Patrick Dodd, President, ACNielsen Europe, says the global 'health and wellness' trend that began a few years ago has become apart of consumers' lifestyles in nearly every part of the world. 'In the last couple of years, consumers have realized that a healthy lifestyle is not about the latest celebrity diet or trendy exercise fads - but is simply about having a balanced diet and lifestyle. In many countries, 2006 was the year that 'natural' and 'organic' moved into the mainstream and this trend is likely to gain momentum in the year ahead.'

The firm is online at www.acnielsen.com .


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