DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 6590
Published March 22 2007




MRA Expands Communications Focus

The US Marketing Research Association (MRA) has hired Adrienne Ford for its new position of Public Relations Manager, with a remit to expand the association's communications programme and promote the profile of the MR industry to the media and general public.

Ford joins from a similar role with trade body, the Association Builders and Contractors (ABC), where she managed media relations, industry updates and also wrote a monthly column for Construction Executive magazine. Prior to her role with ABC, she worked at the Association of Corporate Counsel, where she supported the organisation's programme marketing initiative. Ford is a graduate of Towson University, where she received her BSc in Mass Communications.

Larry Brownell, Executive Director of MRA says he and his colleagues are excited to welcome Adrienne Ford to the communications team: 'Her media relations experience and association background will prove to be beneficial to us as we continue to enhance MRA's reputation as a credible and valuable source of information on marketing research to the media and public.'

The MRA was established in 1957, and now has an international membership encompassing companies and professionals engaged in all segments of marketing and opinion research. The body is online at: www.mra-net.org


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