DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 8240
Published April 18 2008




Ad Metrics Firm Enters US Market

German ad metrics and testing firm MediaAnalyser has entered the US market by opening a New York office and clinching a deal to work exclusively with the magazine publisher Condé Nast.

The company uses its web-based AttentionTracking technology to measure consumer engagement with ads, by tracking the path of eye movement while an ad is viewed. Charles Boyar, MediaAnalyzer's VP US Operations, says that it is this ability to track eye movement via the web instead of through the traditional lab setting, which enables the firm to obtain a geographically diverse sample and provide results in a few days.

Through this analysis, combined with a survey questionnaire, the firm quantifies the sections of ads that consumers will most likely recall and remember. It enables clients to test the effectiveness of ads throughout the entire cycle of a print, outdoor or web ad campaign, and can also be used to test retail point-of-sale merchandising, direct mail and interactive web sites.

'By partnering with MediaAnalyzer, we are able to offer unique value to advertisers in our publications,' explained Scott McDonald, SVP Market Research at Condé Nast. 'Using the firm's methodology helps our advertisers maximize their ROI and determine whether readers are engaged with their ads.'

Boyar added that by expanding to the US market, his firm would be able to service its growing list of US clients, ad agencies, and research partners.

Founded in Hamburg, Germany in 2004 the company already has offices in the UK and Canada.

Web site: www.mediaanalyzer.com .


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