TNS Continues Senior Shuffle
TNS has announced further changes to its senior management team, following its recent merger with Research International. The latest appointments cover global roles, North America and Europe.
The firms announced a month ago that they would be merging, and the top team of Bob Meyers as Chairman and Pedro Ros as CEO was announced simultaneously. A number of changes were then released on Friday, centred around the ALM team.
Today, TNS listed further changes. At a global level, supporting CEO Pedro Ros will be Mike Gettle, previously Millward Brown's CFO, who becomes CFO/COO for TNS and will work on the integration committee responsible for merging TNS into the larger Kantar group. David Errington will support Gettle in the new role of Global Commercial Director for TNS.
Kirk Ward, until now Global Product Development Director at RI, moves to become Offer Development and Integration Director at TNS, reviewing the firm's overall offer. Stephen Factor retains his role as Global Head of the Consumer Sector but joins the Senior Global Management Team and takes responsibility for the TNS Global Account Programme.
Jordi Ferrer becomes Strategy and Corporate Development Director, while RI's former Group HR Director Catherine Connolly will become Global Head of Human Resources for the merged business.
Based in the US, David Kieselstein will be CEO North America, working with Bridget Armstrong who will become EVP US Consumer Sector Head. In Europe, Judith Passingham retains her role as CEO Europe and Denis Delmas is Deputy MD Europe, with added responsibility for Global Marketing Communications.
Ros comments: 'I am very excited by the combined wealth of talent we have within the merged business. Both Research International and TNS bring different strengths to the table in terms of their solutions and research insight, and this is reflected in the level of knowledge and experience within the Senior Global Management Team.'
Web sites: www.tnsglobal.com , www.research-int.com and www.kantargrouptns.com .
