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The Admap 3rd Annual Media Research Conference

Admap's annual event takes place on Wednesday June 14th in Central London. The seminar aims to address the burning issues and questions in the fast changing media research landscape.

Split into five discrete sessions, the seminar will provide an up to date picture of recent developments in the world of media research. In the morning the emphasis is on radio and television with papers from RAJAR, The Billett Consultancy and BARB. A closing session on integrated research features speakers from Conde Nast and JICREG.

In the afternoon, the emphasis will move to press and new media. Speakers from ABC and NRS will address the need to modernise press research. Finally, the seminar will look at the future of media research with speakers from Nielsen ERatings and Starcom.

For further information, phone NTC Conferences on 01491 571188