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Nielsen//NetRatings Signs On More Than 40 Clients in Japan

Since its launch only three months ago, Nielsen//NetRatings, has recruited 40 leading companies in Japan for the service. The operation is the first to deliver information on Internet user activity in Japan, offering unique Internet usage and ad banner information based on the activities of more than 25,000 panellists, the largest Internet audience sample in Japan.

New clients representing leading advertising agencies, Internet companies, corporate and financial companies, include Dentsu Inc., Hakuhodo Inc., Asatsu-DK Inc., Daiko Advertising Inc., McCann-Erickson Inc., Cyber Agent Ltd., Mind Share Inc., Yahoo Japan Corp., Excite Japan Co., Ltd., NEC Corp., Compaq Computer Corp., and Wit Capital Securities.

According to Dave Toth, president and CEO of NetRatings Inc, "We've moved aggressively on the international front and are pleased to see the wide adoption of the Nielsen//NetRatings services in Japan by such industry leaders. We will continue to rapidly expand the services in Japan as well as in other parts of the world where companies are interested in Internet user behaviour."

Nielsen//Net Ratings has launched its services in more than 13 countries in the past nine months and has plans to expand rapidly. The goal is to measure over 90% of the world's Internet audience in more than 30 countries in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa by the end of 2001.

In this vein, the company has also recently announced plans for expansion into Germany. German data based on a panel of some 8,000 Internet users will be available from September this year.