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New Best Business Practices for US MR Agencies

The Marketing Research Association in the US is shortly to publish its revised Best Business Practices booklet.

Two additional recommendations specifically for qualitative research have been added to the current version. These are "Respondent Co-operation and Privacy" and "Respondent Identification Procedure".

These have been recommended with the dual aims of:

  • protecting and maintaining the trust of the public and respondents in the opinion and marketing research industry, and

  • establishing 'procedures for (viewing) facilities and clients in the research sector'.

Additional recommendations will protect the credibility of qualitative research and establish practices that diminish "Cheaters" and "Repeaters" in respondent recruitment by requesting a photo identification.

The additional recommendations also suggest a certificate be displayed stating the requirement for a respondent's photo identification. The Marketing Research Association will be providing the certificate for display to all its members.