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ACNielsen Global Client List Triples

ACNielsen has announced the addition of 95 new clients to the international Nielsen//NetRatings Internet audience measurement service during the second quarter of 2000. This brings the year-to-date total to 150 clients across 15 countries.

Clients who subscribed to the Nielsen/NetRatings service outside the US in the second quarter include: British Telecom, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey & Co., Microsoft, Philips Electronics, Intel, Reuters, Saatchi & Saatchi, Tesco plc and Yahoo!

According to Michael P Connors, Vice Chairman of ACNielsen, "By leveraging the strength of ACNielsen's global expertise, we continue to make rapid progress toward establishing Nielsen//NetRatings as the global currency for Internet measurement. We now have high-quality panels reporting global data, while prestigious clients in 15 countries have subscribed to the service."

ACNielsen has contracted an additional US$1.8 million in revenue in the second quarter of 2000, for a first-half total of US$3 million. "Advertising agencies, financial institutions, corporate marketers and Internet companies worldwide are recognising the unique value of Nielsen//NetRatings' accurate, timely information," Mr Connors added. "We are confident that our success in growing this business worldwide is representative of the success our Internet audience measurement information will bring our clients."

Nielsen//NetRatings is reporting data on Internet audience activity in the US, Japan, Australia, the UK, Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. In addition the service was introduced in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil and Hong Kong during the second quarter, with local data expected in those markets in the third quarter.

In total, Nielsen/NetRatings panels now have more than 150,000 individuals under measurement, representing the world's largest real-time Internet audience measurement panel.