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NOP Segments its Financial Research Survey

In a significant step forward in the provision of information to the financial services sector, data from the Financial Research Survey at NOP has been segmented into Equifax Micromatch motivational groups.

These are then overlaid onto Equifax's Dimensions consumer database, thereby providing access to over 44 million British consumers and allowing prediction of buying behaviour and proposition response on an individual basis, which until now has not been possible.

The Equifax Micromatch process creates three unique motivational groups:
  • Early adopters - those who like to be first with new products

  • Followers - those who buy a product later in its lifecycle when it is more established

  • Traditionalists - those who are cautious about trying new products/services

According to Mike Cooke, NOP Research Group Director, "Until now, marketers have had little choice but to market to individuals in the same demographic groups - while being only too aware that individual response and buying behaviour will vary enormously. Now, by defining an individual according to their underlying, primary motivation - rather than merely by their income, lifestyle or demographics - Equifax Micromatch makes one to one marketing a reality".