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New Customer Satisfaction Survey for Cars

SatisfactionResearch.Com Ltd, the UK-based customer satisfaction measurement and loyalty enhancement specialist, has announced the first of more than 25 major telephone-based satisfaction surveys which will be conducted with UK consumers.

The SatisfactionResearch.Com UK Driver Satisfaction Survey will involve contacting more than 300,000 randomly telephoned UK households and conducting comprehensive interviews designed to precisely measure drivers' satisfaction with every relevant aspect of the car driving experience. Interviews will be conducted with a completely random sample of drivers of cars ranging in age from 1 to 30 months.

Results of the UK Drivers Survey will be posted at the Satisfaction- website in a personalised interactive format along with pricing, detailed product specifications, independent professional road tests, official government crash test results, and more. Visitors will be able to obtain official part exchange valuations on their current cars and, in what will effectively be a behind-the-scenes competitive bidding process involving all of the major insurers, obtain the best available insurance quotations for their new cars.

Once they have developed a short list of models, active shoppers will be able to request contact from the nearest dealer. Shoppers will also be able to request contact from a certified web-based car buying service.

The SatisfactionResearch.Comwebsite will thus provide UK shoppers in the automotive sector with a single comprehensive and easy-to-access source for all the information they need to make the best-informed purchase-decisions possible.

Perhaps uniquely, the site will contain absolutely no advertising, in order to avoid any possible conflict with the total accuracy and objectivity of the massive amounts of information being made available to consumers.

Following the initial major wave of car driver research, Satisfaction- Research.Com will continue to carry out somewhat smaller 'refresher' waves on an ongoing monthly basis. These refresher waves will involve telephone contact with 'only' 25,000 households each month. In addition to covering all of the issues from the initial wave, each monthly wave will also probe an especially topical issue such as pricing or attitudes towards car buying on the Internet.

According to Tom Benghauser, SatisfactionResearch.Com's founder and CEO, "Use of a random telephone methodology is extremely expensive for a project of this scope. However, in the UK such a methodology is the only option if research findings are to be totally accurate and totally incorruptible."

Unlike surveys which obtain respondents by asking for volunteers from a specific magazine's readership or a particular television show's audience, the Survey will generate findings which are completely representative of the entire UK driving population.

SatisfactionResearch.Com Ltd was founded earlier in 2000 by Tom Benghauser as a logical extensive of The CARS Division, which he founded in 1994. The CARS Division specialises in the use of advanced satisfaction-measurement techniques for establishing dialogues with its clients' customers which have been independently proven to significantly enhance both satisfaction and loyalty.