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Culture and Climate = Low Internet Use

Low level Internet penetration in Southern Europe will not be explained by demographics alone, as culture and climate prove to be more decisive factors, according to a recent study from Forrester Research.

France, Italy, and Spain lag behind the stronger Northern European markets when it comes to Internet penetration and use. Forrester believes that income and education cannot explain the gap satisfactorily. One reason for the divide is that older consumers in the south of Europe do not adapt so easily to developments in new technologies.

Climatic factors in Southern Europe also favour technologies that can be used outside rather than indoors. It can be argued that consumers in Northern Europe are more accustomed to poor weather, and tend to stay inside, shopping online. In contrast, Southern Europeans will go outside in the sun, rather than surf inside on a computer.

This is borne out by the high level of mobile phone adoption in Southern Europe. Italy with 55% of consumers using mobile phones is just behind Finland (72%), Sweden (70%), and Switzerland (56%). Despite this figure, however, only 13% of Italians are online, compared to the 27% European average.

According to the study, companies must steer their offerings towards primary motivation factors such as career, family, and entertainment to succeed in Southern Europe. The study recommends that investments need to be made in user-friendly wireless technologies and in targeting social institutions, such as the church, and senior clubs, if companies are to attract the reluctant middle aged market.