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Europe Lags Behind US in Brand Evaluation

According to the "Global 250" survey, recently conducted by ORC International, just two thirds of European companies are using market research to evaluate the success of their brands, compared with three quarters of US and Pacific Rim companies.

The survey shows that just 7% of European firms use media research to track their corporate reputations in the press, TV and radio, compared with 20% of US firms and 26% of companies in the Pacific Rim. And 62% of European companies are now using market research to measure the effectiveness of their corporate reputations, compared with 75% in both the States and Pacific Rim. However, while the Europeans are also using client feedback (13%) and employee surveys (10%) to conduct research, nine percent of European companies carry out no evaluation at all. According to ORC International’s director of corporate brand management, Milorad Ajder, "Companies are beginning to appreciate the fragility of their reputations. There have been a number of recent examples where high profile companies with strong reputations have suffered considerably due to adverse media coverage. It will be interesting to see if the trend in media intelligence gathering continues to gather pace in next year’s survey." The "Global 250" is the second survey to explore attitudes and practices in corporate branding within leading companies around the world. The survey was specifically targeted at senior corporate communicators and brand guardians within the world’s leading organisations. Interviews were conducted in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Scandinavia, Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.