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BIG votes for Affiliate Status

At last week's Annual General Meeting BIG, the MRS' b2b interest group, voted overwhelmingly to accept the Society's 'preferred option' of affiliate status. This will make BIG independent of the MRS and the main impact will be the loss of financial and some promotional support. The move follows the publication of the MRS' report on Special Interest Groups in the Summer, which offered a choice between independence and complete assimilation into the MRS.

discussion ... and not a little gesticulationThe precise nature of the affiliation remains to be worked out between the two groups over the coming months, but it seems likely to follow the lines of the relationship between the AQR (formerly AQRP) and the MRS - formally the two are entirely separate but there is regular communication and collaboration on matters of mutual interest, while most members of the smaller group are members of the larger. The MRS' recommendations followed an apparent 'low priority' for Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in the Members' Survey earlier this year, although it was suggested at the meeting that the low response rate and questions over interpretation of scores make this dubious. More crucially, however, current levels of administrative support for SIGs cannot be maintained and the report therefore indicated that groups had to go one way or the other, as above.  ... from the floorThe unanimous recommendation of the Committee to vote for affiliate status brought some argument from the floor, especially given uncertainty over BIG's recent profitability, and therefore its viability as a separate entity. However Chairman Helen Wanford was keen to point out that, far from grumpily seceding from the Society, BIG was only following the MRS' preferred course - several attempts to agree a framework to remain within the Society without losing its identity had failed. Other SIGs now face a similar decision. Keith Bailey, committee member and co-founder of BIG, who was instrumental in keeping it within the MRS on the demise of IMRA in the early '90s, indicated his sadness at the turn of events but also that he now considered affiliation the only reasonable option. BIG currently stands for 'Business and Industrial Group' but there was renewed discussion at the meeting of the possibility of a name change, perhaps to include 'b2b'. One comment from the floor suggested this would and should encourage membership by non-researchers, for example b2b marketers, although this remains controversial. On the question of viability, Nick Thomas, Vice Chairman, pointed out after the meeting that most of the apparent shortfall in the last two years has resulted from the BIG Buyer's Guide missing a year. "The Guide is a highly profitable publication and in those years when it has been produced BIG has seen a very healthy balance - between this and the very successful Conference we make more than enough to cover costs. Losses for 1999-2000, in particular, reflect the fact that the Guide missed a year due to admin and printing delays - the Guide should now be back on course. Meanwhile BIG has some very committed supporters and some new ideas about how to grow and despite the misgivings of some speakers tonight we are confident about the future of the group - whether it's BIG, the b2b Group or whatever." Mystery guest inaudible through beard Serious matters being resolved for the time being, and the AGM concluded, members went straight on into the Christmas Party (the kind of cost-cutting combination of events that may serve it well in future?) - with pianist and band leader Angus Murray playing Georges Shearing and Gershwin, quiz teams playing each other for Champagne and chocolate and a mystery man playing Santa Claus putting in an appearance to present the prizes. Sadly Richard Field, who contributed big-time to the success of the winning team (would you have remembered that Terry Scott used to advertise Curley Wurley?) disappeared shortly before the appearance of Santa and came back shortly afterwards, thus missing out on the fun.
*The Winners*: Graneek happy with Champagne but Thomas jealously eyes 2nd prize chocolate SantasMore news on the SIGs and their decisions will appear on MrWeb as soon as word reaches us...
BIG Web site and Buyer's Guide

Wooden spoon for Helen Wanford - is that all you get for a year as BIG Chairman?