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The Connected Home has Arrived

A new US Ucentric/Roper Starch Connected Home Study Online shows that home networking is a here-and-now reality. One of the survey's key findings is that nearly 30% of broadband subscribers are ready for a technology that will interconnect all electronic equipment in their homes. This technology represents the basis of the connected home – the veritable "cyber-cottage" that has long been heralded.

To date, home networking has simply meant linking multiple computers and printers in the home to share a single Internet connection. The new study reveals that consumers are expecting home networking to provide them with access to new types of information and entertainment services.

The findings include predictions that by 2001-2002, there will be more sales of home networking products and services, and by 2003, there will be approximately 10 million US homes with networks.

Other key findings are that:

  • Some 59% of Americans are what is known as "tech-savvy."
  • Of this, 41% make technology purchases largely influenced by the children in their household.
  • Some 34% of them feel that home networking is the way of the future.
  • Some 26% of them believe home networks will simplify their family's chaotic life.

Roper Starch Worldwide was commissioned by Ucentric Systems, a provider of complete home networking platforms, in late 2000.