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DoubleClick Expands MR Reach

DoubleClick Inc has completed its acquisition of @plan.inc, a leading provider of online market research planning systems, for approximately US$90.7 million in a stock and cash transaction.

Under the terms of the agreement, DoubleClick is paying US$3.45 in cash and .2829 of a share of DoubleClick Common Stock for each share of @plan Common Stock.

Greg Ellis, who will now assume President responsibilities for @plan, and is Vice President & General Manager of Research at DoubleClick, said "The acquisition of @plan is an excellent strategic fit for DoubleClick. This acquisition is a key part of our focused strategy to provide world class objective research and planning solutions to the online marketing community. DoubleClick will leverage the media and eCommerce expertise of @plan, and our industry leading professionals, to introduce new and innovative research products. Our combined client base of over 6,000 top ad agencies, advertisers and Web publishers will greatly benefit from our expanded market
research capabilities and online advertising services."

@plan, which has historically boasted a greater than 90% client retention rate, is an industry leader in online target market research. The company provides over 500 clients including leading Internet advertisers, agencies and Web publishers with sophisticated online market research decision support and planning systems. @plan's internally developed ASP system combines databases of consumer survey responses detailing demographics, lifestyle, product preferences and media consumption, to support online media targeting and planning. Additionally, @plan products are used for online marketing, retailing and site publisher strategies.