SKOPOS - Internet research / panels

IMRG e-Retail Sales Data Survey

Until now the value of e-retail sales has been little more than a wild guess, making it difficult for businesses to invest effectively. For these reasons, the IMRG e-Retail Sales Data Survey has been initiated.

After a 12 month pilot phase the survey is going live with, amongst others, the following participants: Arcadia, Argos, Debenhams, Gadget Shop, Interflora, James Meade, Made in Sheffield, MFI Homeworks, RC Roland.

The survey will, for the first time, collect actual electronic sales data from retailers instead of polling consumers. This will give retailers the ability to track the market and see how their own online operations are performing. It will also allow the City and the investment community to accurately value and assess e-retailers. It is hoped that the collection of hard facts will allow funds to be directed to the best performing areas with benefits for both retailers and consumers.

Retail Week is now promoting the survey to all its readers in an effort to broaden the scope of the survey, gain new participants and break out specific sectors.

IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group) is the industry body for global e-retailing. Set up in 1990 it is the international focal point for e-retailing via networked screens as a marketplace. It is setting and maintaining pragmatic e-retail standards to enable fast-track industry growth, and assists members with practical help, information, tools, guidance and networking.

For more information, visit