SKOPOS - Internet research / panels

Internet Tracking for Belgium and Luxembourg

Nielsen//NetRatings has just published the first set of data on the at-home surfing behaviour of Internet users in Belgium and Luxembourg. These inaugural findings cover March of this year and provide clear research data on the entire spectrum of the Benelux Internet user.

This includes detail on who's online, where they're going, what ads they're viewing and clicking on, and how much time they spend doing so. The information is derived from randomly selected consumer panels, continually refreshed to reflect the most current Internet universe.

Other findings include the fact that, during March 2001, just over 1.6 million people in Belgium had access to the Internet from their household PC. The average connection time per person for this period was 7 hours and 40 minutes. On average, the Belgian/Luxembourg Internet user connected 15 times per month in sessions lasting around 30 minutes. During each surfing session, an average of 46 pages was visited, with 39 seconds spent on each one.

In profile terms, the Belgian/Luxembourg audience is predominantly male, 62% men to 38% women. On average, men accessed the Internet 18 times for a total of 9 hours and 16 minutes, while female Internet users went online 11 times for a total of only 5 hours and 5 minutes. Men viewed an average of 876 web pages and women 426 pages. The most visited categories were telecom and Internet providers, portal sites and suppliers of hardware and software. On average, 8 in 10 Belgian/Luxembourg Internet users visited a portal site and nearly 4 in 10 were active on community sites.

Given this new net coverage for Belgium and Luxembourg, the Nielsen//NetRatings service is now available in 12 European countries. The service also includes the company’s exclusive BannerTrack online advertising measurement system. Wim Keyaerts, sales and marketing director of ACNielsen Belgium/Luxembourg, stated "With the introduction of our services, Nielsen//NetRatings intends to contribute to the further professional development of the Internet in Belgium and Luxembourg. Our research is conducted with the highest regard for accuracy, using the same recruitment and measurement techniques across every market we measure and allowing the Internet professional to apply marketing techniques from the offline media to the Internet market."