DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 29714
Published May 15 2020




Medallia Launches Speech Analytics Solution

Silicon Valley customer experience management specialist Medallia has launched a speech analytics tool called Medallia Speech, to give clients a single view of customer experience (CX) insights in one platform.

Leslie StretchMedallia's Experience Cloud is used to understand and manage experience for customers, employees and citizens, capturing signals created on daily journeys in person, digital and IoT interactions and applying AI technology to uncover personalized and predictive insights. As part of the Experience Cloud, the new Medallia Speech solution adds real-time voice transcription at scale, and speech analytics to analyze millions of call hours - including sentiment. Combined with text analytics, as well as insights from digital, video and other channels, this provides a 'comprehensive' understanding of the entire customer journey.

The new solution assesses customer satisfaction, potential churn and call center agent performance. Call centers can use it to identify those agents who need coaching, and customers who need attention; and marketers to identify which customers are most likely to respond to cross-sell and upsell campaigns. Researchers meanwhile can combine signals from structured and unstructured sources including calls, videos and other feedback methods; and corporate execs can then obtain a 'holistic' view of the customer experience across the omnichannel journey.

CEO Leslie Stretch (pictured) comments: 'There is a gold mine of insights in speech and video - two massive and growing channels - and Medallia is the only experience management platform to combine all of the human communication methods being used to gain feedback into a single platform, delivering the richest set of insights to take action on'.

The firm, which recently acquired real-time speech-to-text platform Voci Technologies, is online at www.medallia.com .


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